Digital solutions with an emphasis on business growth
Selected projects
A Software Developer focused on creating digital solutions to solve business problems
I am a Full Stack Software Developer with a strong focus on creating digital solutions to help businesses to overcome their problems. Thanks to my previous career I accumulated over 20 years of Customer Satisfaction Experience.

Work Experience
FDSA is a software consultant company focused on the tourism industry. Amongst the projects they where working I was assigned to the biggest client and one of the more complex they where managing at the time. It was a legacy AngularJS project that needed maintenance and renovation to a modern framework. The biggest achievement was to integrate React and Tailwind with the project to begin the transition from AngularJS to NextJS as the Frontend framework. This company got into financial problems and had to end my contract during prevention period.
Pixel Pulse is a creative agency focused on content creation for influencers and other social media professionals. The job was to redesign and develop their new website and give them a new modern and sophisticated style to go with their brand. This project was unfinished because the client got into financial problems and we had to pause the development of the website.
Inc Domains is a domain management and sales company that manages the extension .inc. I helped redesign their brand and website and worked on several small applications to increase SEO. The main problem to solve here was acquisition data to learn where did the clients came from so we could increase efforts in those areas and the marketing team could use this info to craft campaigns and blog posts to improve SEO. For this we integrated several tools together to monitor clicks.
With the responsibility to grow the company and acquire new clients I focused in creating and supporting a team of 5 people that had different roles. From logistics experts to sales I was responsible for the team and the whole Commercial Strategy within the company. This job required me to travel to several countries with a high regularity in order to maintain and grow customer relationships.
Higher Education
In this course I learned about Company Management and Business Administration at a deep level. I dived into people management and leadership skills and learned about the importance or Project and Risk Management with in a company. Thanks to the learnings I got from this course I managed to redirect the company I was working in as a Commercial Manager at Director Level and got it to grow over 20% in just 3 months.
In this Higher Diploma by the NCI in Dublin, Ireland, I learned about Software Development in the whole spectrum, from Front to Back and design. The content covered all areas within Software Development, from Data Bases to HTML and CSS, or even Java with Spring Boot to develop API Backend Services in a Distributed System for high performance applications. It was a great course where I learned lots and that was very challenging at times.
Let's talk about your next project
Whether you are a company looking to increase your team or a SMEs looking for getting your business online, I can help!!